Fezile Dabi District Municipality Council

Municipality Council

Fezile Dabi District Municipality consists of an Executive Mayor, Municipal Manager, Speaker of the Municipality and is structured politically into six portfolio committees and administratively into six departments to ensure that the vision, strategy objectives of the District Municipality are achieved.

  • Cllr Dennis Khasudi Executive Mayor

    The Executive Mayor is the political head of the institution and chairs the Mayoral Committee. He is head of the Mayoral Committee. His function and powers are outlined in Chapter 3 of the Local Government Municipal Structures Act of 1998.

  • Cllr Sidney Pittaway Municipal Speaker

    The core function of the Office of the Speaker is to coordinate Public Participation activities, which includes among others but not limited to:
    Organize, facilitate and mobilize communities in the district to attend all IDP and Budget public participation forums.

  • Municipal Manager

    The Municipal Manager as head of administration is responsible for the policy direction of the council


Initial & Surname Party email Cell No Gender
Cllr Nthabiseng Mokodutlo(Chairperson) ANC mokodutlon@gmail.com 076 861 9238 F
Cllr Mbali Mnaba DA mnabambali@gmail.com 079 543 7042 F
Cllr Mamoitheri Makhanda EFF shahidalucy01@gmail.com 064 890 4923 F
Cllr Malebo Magashule ANC Immagashule98@gmail.com 065 554 7802 M
Cllr Nomakhubo Masiteng ANC emmakortes@gmail.com 073 650 5714 F
Cllr Khethiwe Mbikolo EFF dkmbikolo2020@gmail.com 073 122 7700 F
Cllr George Malherbe FF+ Faniemalherbe84@gmail.com 083 635 1386 M
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