Environmental Health & Emergency Services Overview
The department of Environmental Health and Emergency Services (EH&ES) is a service delivery directorate.
The department comprises of four units namely:
- Municipal Health Services
- Environmental Management
- Disaster Management
- Fire & Rescue Services
- In terms of Chapter 2, Section24 of the South African Constitution, Act 108 of 1996, the right of all citizens to an environment that is not harmful to their health or well-being is secured. Chapter 10 of the National Health Act, Act 61 of 2003, defines Municipal Health services and clearly stipulates the responsibilities of Municipalities in performance of such functions.To fulfil the constitutional and legislative obligations Municipal Health Services are rendered by qualified and skilled Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs)These services entail the provision and facilitation of comprehensive, pro active and need related services. This ensures a safe, healthy and clean environment. generations.Key performance areas as defined in the National Health Act under Municipal Health Services includes-
- Water Quality Monitoring
- Food Safety Management
- Waste Management
- Health Surveillance of Premises
- Surveillance and prevention of communicable diseases
- Environmental Pollution Control
- Disposal of the dead
- Chemical Safety
- Vector Control
- Community Participation and involvement
- Everyone has the constitutional right to have an environment that is not harmful to his or her health and to have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations through reasonable legislative and other measurers that prevent pollution and ecological degradation, promote conservation and secure ecologically sustainable development use natural resources while promoting justifiable economic and social development.The Constitution enjoins Fezile Dabi District Municipality to respect, protect, promote and fulfil the social, economic and environmental rights of everyone and strive to meet the basic needs of previously disadvantaged communities. Sustainable development requires the integration of social, economic and environmental factors in the planning, implementation and evaluation of decisions to ensure that development serves present and future generations.The KPA of the unit are as follows:
- Waste Management
- Air quality Management
- Noise Control
- Other Key Environmental Management Responsibilities
- Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
- Integrated Environmental Management (IEM)
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Initial Environmental Assessment (IEA)
- Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
- Environmental Review
- Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
- Environmental Management Frameworks)
- Environmental Implementation Plans
- Biodiversity Management
- IntroductionDisaster management unit aims to act efficiently and effectively deal with all disaster management issues within the entire district acting together with different stakeholders in preventing, mitigating, responding, recovery and rehabilitation work on disasters that are about or may be happening.
- Legislative MandateThe mandate of disaster management is derived from the constitution of SA Act 108 of 1996 and the key act being Disaster Management Act No 57 0f 2002 including Disaster Management Framework of 2005.The KPAs and enablers are informed by specified objectives and, as required by the Act, key performance indicators (KPIs) to guide, monitor progress and support the implementation of the framework in all three spheres of government.Our core functions are outlined as follows:
- KPA 1: Integrated Institutional Capacity
- KPA 2: Disaster Risk Assessment
- KPA 3: Disaster Risk Reduction
- KPA 4: Response & Recovery
- Enabler 1: Information management & Communication
- Enabler 2: Education, training, Public Awareness & Research
- Enabler 3: Funding Arrangements
It sets out the mechanisms for the funding of disaster risk management in South Africa.
- Legal Administration
- Labour Relations
- Contract Management
- Policy Development
- IntroductionThroughout history, fires have inflicted a heavy cost in human infrastructure, and damaged to the environment in a manner capable of undermining Socio – Economic Development.The risk of fire in South Africa is influenced by a variety of Socio – Economic factors notably the rising levels of urbanisation which often result in the formal settlement comprised of shack built by highly combustible material and in close proximity to each other which heighten the risk of fire in these areas.The danger pose by fire to human lives, infrastructure and the environment has been demonstrated by some of the major fire that humanity has experienced over the years.Fezile Dabi District Municipality Fire Brigade Services as the designed services recognised in terms of Section 4 of the FBSA (Fire Brigade South Africa) is committed in protecting life and property in this District by providing the following services:-
- Fire Suppression
- Fire prevention
- Rescue
- Hazardous Material Response
- Public Fire Education and Awareness
- Humanitarian Services
- IntroductionThroughout history, fires have inflicted a heavy cost in human infrastructure, and damaged to the environment in a manner capable of undermining Socio – Economic Development.The risk of fire in South Africa is influenced by a variety of Socio – Economic factors notably the rising levels of urbanisation which often result in the formal settlement comprised of shack built by highly combustible material and in close proximity to each other which heighten the risk of fire in these areas.The danger pose by fire to human lives, infrastructure and the environment has been demonstrated by some of the major fire that humanity has experienced over the years.Fezile Dabi District Municipality Fire Brigade Services as the designed services recognised in terms of Section 4 of the FBSA (Fire Brigade South Africa) is committed in protecting life and property in this District by providing the following services:-
Under Leadership of Dir: Mrs. Grace Phoofolo