Office of the Municipal Manager
Office of the Municipal Manager
The following are the core functions of the Department:
- Department Municipal Manager
- The Municipal Manager as head of administration is responsible for policy direction of the council and accountable for:
o The formation and development of an economical, efficient, effective and accountable administration,
o Equipped to carry out tasks of implementing the municipality integrated development plan in accordance with chapter 5 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act of 2000,
o Operate in accordance with the municipality’s performance management system in accordance with chapter 6 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act of 2000,
o Responsive to the needs of the of the local community to participate in the affairs of the municipality,
o Responsible for the management of the municipality’s administration in accordance with the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act of 2000 and other legislation applicable to the municipality,
o Implementation of the municipality integrated development plan and the monitoring of progress with implementation of the plan,
o Management and provision of services to the local community in a sustainable and equitable manner,
o Appointment of staff other than section 57 managers accountable to the municipal manager subject to the employment equity act no 55 of 1988,
o Management, effective utilization and training of staff,
o Maintenance of discipline of staff,
o The promotion of sound labour relations and compliance by the municipality with applicable labour legislation,
o Advising council and the political office bearers of the municipality,
o Managing communication between the municipality’s administration and its political structure and political office bearers,
o Carrying out the decision of the political structure and political office bearers of the municipality,
o The administration and implementation of the municipality by-laws and other legislations,
o Exercise of any powers and performance of any duties delegated by the municipal council, or sub delegating authorities of the municipality to the municipal manager in of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act of 2000,
o Facilitating participation by the local community in the affairs of the municipality,
o Delegating and maintaining a system whereby community satisfaction with municipal services is assessed,
o Implementation of national and provincial legislation applicable to the municipality, and
o The performance of any other function that may be assigned by the municipal council.
- The Municipal Manger as the accounting officer of the municipality is also responsible and accountable for:
o All income and expenditure of the municipality
o All assets and the discharge of all liabilities of the municipality and
o Proper and diligent compliance with applicable municipal finance management legislation
- Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, as defined by the Department of Local Government (DPLG), is a strategic approach to management, which equips leaders, managers, employees and stakeholders at various levels with a set of tools and techniques to regularly plan, continuously monitor, periodically measure and review performance of the organisation in terms of indicators and targets for efficiency, effectiveness and impact.
- Security Services
The Accounting Officer has delegated the security functions of the Municipality to the Security Manager who will be responsible for the execution of all security functions and programs (coordinating, planning, implementation and control). Towards execution of the security functions, the Security Unit shall amongst others:
- Establish the Security Committee.
- Draft the internal Security Policy and Plan.
- Conduct a security Threat and Risk Assessment.
- Advice management on security implications of the management decisions.
- Conduct security audits on regular basis.
- Implement security awareness program.
- Establish good working relationship with government intelligence community.
- Implement all security elements in accordance to Minimum Information Security Standards and Minimum Physical Security Standards; Information Security (document classification and protection), Personnel Security (screening of service providers and vetting of personnel), Communication Security (protection of information), Physical Security (access control, Electronic Security Systems), Investigate Security breaches and Implementation of Business Continuity Plan.
- Investigate matters relating to Fraud and Corruption.
- Implement Firearms Control Act 60 of 2000.
- Implement Safety at Sports and Recreational Events Act 2 of 2010.
Fezile Dabi District Municipality Communications Unit
o To ensure development of communication in the district by coordinating communication through structures such as District Communication Forum
o To coordinate proper messaging to ensure that council speaks in one voice for a common purpose.
o To properly position and project the municipality’s image and profile through media and branding.
o To develop and provide a framework for effective communication.
o To promote and create awareness of government work through profiling of projects and programmes of the Municipality
o To enhance service delivery through effective public education and stakeholder engagement
o To monitor media attitudes towards the Municipality.
The Risk Management Unit need to ensure the following:
- The CRO coordinate/Identify risk assessments within the municipality on a quarterly basis.
- That the risks are identified based on the following:
- IDP (Strategic Risks);
- SDBIP (operational Risks);
- Risks associated with changes such as functions; transfer of functions; projects; PPP’s etc.
- That Management take ownership of the risks within their respective departments.
- That the mitigation strategies for the high risks are identified
- That mitigating strategies have precise target date for implementation
- That all the mitigating strategies that have exceeded the target date have reasons for not reaching the time scale
- Compile quarterly the RM reports to the Risk Management Committee
- That the reports indicate the following:
- Progress with regard to the approved implementation plan.
- Progress on the implementation of the mitigating strategies
- The CRO embed risk management practices and promote risk aware culture, through training and presentations, within the municipality
- That all staff is trained in Risk Management
- That the responsibilities for risk management been incorporated in the performance agreements of management
- That the CRO or responsible official have unrestricted access to management, management platforms (such as meetings, planning sessions and committees), and documents
That Risk Management feature as a standing item on the management agenda
Office of the Municipal Manager under the leadership of Mr Sipho Thomas