Key Documents
Annual Reports
Document Name | Document Date |
draft-annual-report-2018-19 | 2020/01/24 |
OVERSIGHT REPORT 30 JUNE 2019 | 2020/03/26 |
Annual Report 2019-2020 | 2020/03/26 |
Document Name | Document Date |
draft-annual-report-2018-19 | 2020/01/24 |
Audit Final-Annual-Report-2018-19 | 2020/03/26 |
Document Name | Document Date |
oversight-report30-june-2018 | 2019/07/29 |
Document Name | Document Date |
final-draft-annual-report_-30-june-2017fv | 2018/06/06 |
oversight-report-on-the-annual-report-for-the-year-ended-30-june-2017 | 2018/08/07 |
Document Name | Document Date |
draft-annual-report-2015-16-for-fezile-dabi-version-x2.-audited-afs-x-final-document | 2017/01/27 |
oversight-report-on-the-annual-report-2015-2016 | 2017/04/06 |
Document Name | Document Date |
yearly15 | 2015/07/07 |
reviewed-sdbip-2014-15 | 2016/04/06 |
council-resolution-oversight-on-the-annual-report-30-june-2015 | 2016/04/06 |
oversight-report-on-the-annual-report-for-the-period-ending-30-june-2015 | 2016/04/06 |
draft-annual-report-2014-15 | 2016/02/01 |
Please note a complete copy of the Reviewed Intergrated Development 2018-19 is obtainable from FDDM Office on request
Public-Notice-Final-Annual-Budget-IDP2018-2019 | 2018/06/01 |
Reviewed-Integrated-Development Plan-2018-2019 | 2018/06/01 |
Document Name | Document Date |
fddm-idp-2017-18-final-version | 2016/10/17 |
idp-screenshot-2017-2022 | 2017/04/06 |
Document Name | Document Date |
Reviewed-Integrated-Development-2018-2019 | 2018/06/01 |
Document Name | Document Date |
fddm-idp-2016-2017. | 2016/06/03 |
performance-score-card-pms-002 | 2016/06/03 |
Document Name | Document Date |
idp-2015-2016 | 2015/07/20 |
invitation-speaker-idp-public-participation-2016-2 | 2016/02/15 |
Performance Agreements
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Quarterly Reports
Document Name | Document Date |
quarterly-financial-report-for-the-quarter-ending-30-september-2018 | 2018/11/14 |
SCM Awards for the quarter ending 30 September 2018 | 2018/11/15 |
yearly2016-2- | 2018/07/06 |
Quarterly Financial Report for the quarter ending 31 December 2018- | 2019/01/08 |
Quarterly Financial Report for the quarter ending 31 March 2019 | 2019/04/08 |
Document Name | Document Date |
quarterly-financial-report-for-the-quarter-ending-31-september-2017 | 2018/07/11 |
quarterly-financial-report-for-the-quarter-ending-30-december-2017 | 2018/07/11 |
quarterly-financial-report-for-the-quarter-ending-30-december-2017_2 | 2018/07/11 |
Document Name | Document Date |
quarterly-financial-report-for-the-quarter-ending-30-september-2016 | 2016/09/30 |
scm-awards-for-the-quarter-ending-30-september-2016 | 2016/09/30 |
financial-report-for-the-quarter-ending-31-december-2016 | 2017/02/10 |
scm-awards-for-the-quarter-ended-31-december-2016 | 2017/02/10 |
yearly17 | 2017/07/19 |
quarterly-financial-report-for-the-quarter-ending-31-march-2017 | 2017/03/31 |
quarterly-financial-report-for-the-quarter-ending-30-june-2017 | 2017/06/30 |
Document Name | Document Date |
supply-chain-management-report-for-the-quarter-ending-31-december-2015 | 2016/02/02 |
Financial Statement
Document Name | Document Date |
Financial-Statements-for-the-year-ended-30-June-2019 | 2019/07/03 |
Document Name | Document Date |
annual-financial-statements-for-the-year-ended-30-june-2015 | 2016/02/01 |
Document Name | Document Date |
annual-financial-statements-2013-14 | 2015/07/01 |
Document Name | Document Date |
annual-financial-statements-2012-13 | 2015/07/20 |
Document Name | Document Date |
annual-financial-statements-2011-12 | 2015/07/20 |
Budget Documents
Document Name | Document Date |
Annual Draft Budget 2020/21 Assumptions | 2020/03/26 |
Quality Certificate for Draft Budget 2020/21 | 2020/03/26 |
FDDM- A1 Schedule – mSCOA vs 6.4 -DRAFT | 2020/03/26 |
Annual Report and Reviewed SDBIP Council Resolution | 2020/03/26 |
Council Resolution- Final IDP and Budget 2020-2021 | 2020/06/08 |
Budget Virement Policy Final 2020-2021 | 2020/06/08 |
Budget Reporting Policy Final 2020-2021 | 2020/06/08 |
Approved Annual Budget 2020-2021 Assumptions | 2020/06/08 |
Reviewed SCM Policy 2020-2021 | 2020/06/08 |
Quality Certificate 2020-2021 | 2020/06/08 |
DC20 A1 Schedule – mSCOA vs 6.4 – 28 Jan 2020_Protected_201920_20200319_1438 DRAFT | 2020/06/08 |
Mid-Term Budget and Performance Assessment Report for 2020//21 Financial Year |
2021/04/06 |
Mid-Term Budget and Performance Assessment Report for 2020//22 Annual Draft Budget Assumptions for council |
2021/04/06 |
Draft Budget 21-22 A1 Schedule – mSCOA vs 6.5 | 2021/04/07 |
Document Name | Document Date |
draft-budget-document-2019-2020 | 2019/04/04 |
fddm-draft-budget-quality-certificate-2019-2020 | 2019/04/04 |
fddm-draft-budget-2019-20-a1-schedule-mscoa-vs-6.3-002 | 2019/04/04 |
Mid- year Budget and Performance Assessment Report for the period ending 31 December 2018 | 2019/01/08 |
FDDM Mid Term Budget and Performance Assessment Report 2019-2020- Part 1 | 2020/01/29 |
ANNEXURE A- Mid-Year Report 2019-2020 | 2020/01/29 |
FDDM B-Schedule MSCOA 2019-2020 | 2020/03/11 |
Council Resolution on Adjustment Budget | 2020/03/11 |
Annual Draft Budget 2020/21 | 2020/03/26 |
Quality Certificate for Draft Budget 2020/21 | 2020/03/26 |
A1-Schedule-MSCOA for Draft Budget 2020/21 | 2020/03/26 |
Annual Report and Reviewed SDBIP Council Resolution 2020/21 | 2020/03/26 |
Annual Draft Budget 2020/21 Assumptions | 2020/03/26 |
C Schedule – mSCOA Ver 6.4 – 11 Dec 2019_201920_20200522_1409 APRIL | 2020/06/08 |
C Schedule – mSCOA Ver 6.4 – 11 Dec 2019_201920_20200603_1053 May | 2020/06/08 |
Document Name | Document Date |
quality-certificate-draft-budget | 2018/05/30 |
annual-draft-budget-2018-19 | 2018/05/30 |
fddm-a1-schedule-mscoa-vs-6-2-30-november-2017-002 | 2018/05/30 |
annual-budget-quality-certificate-201819 | 2018/06/08 |
a1-schedule-mscoa-vs-6.2-30-november-2017-002 | 2018/06/08 |
B Schedule – mSCOA Ver 6.2 – 25 January 2018_201819_20190211 | 2019/02/11 |
adjustment-budget-2018-19 | 2019/03/14 |
quality-certificate-201819-adjustment-budget | 2019/03/14 |
Document Name | Document Date |
approval-of-annual-budget-2018-19 | 2018/06/08 |
ocument Name | Document Date |
fddm-draft-budget-2017-18-mscoa-vs-6-1-9-dec-2016 | 2017/04/06 |
Document Name | Document Date |
Supply-Chain-Management-Policy-2019-20 | 2019/06/03 |
Banking- And-Investment-Policy-2019-20 | 2019/06/03 |
Funding-and-Reserve-Policy-2019-20 | 2019/06/03 |
Budget-Reporting-Policy-2019-20 | 2019/06/03 |
Budget-Virement-Policy-2019-20 | 2019/06/03 |
Asset-Management-Policy-2019-20 | 2019/06/03 |
Document Name | Document Date |
asset-management-policy-2017 | 2017/06/05 |
banking-and-investment-policy-2017 | 2017/06/05 |
budget-reporting-policy-final-201718 | 2017/06/05 |
budget_virement-policy_final-1718docx | 2017/06/05 |
funding-reserves-policy-2017 | 2017/06/05 |
scm-policy-2017 | 2017/06/05 |
Document Name | Document Date |
asset-management-policy | 2016/06/03 |
banking-and-investment-policy | 2016/06/03 |
funding-reserves-policy | 2016/06/03 |
scm-policy | 2016/06/03 |
budget-reporting-policy-final-201617 | 2016/06/03 |
budget_virement-policy_final-1617docx | 2016/06/03 |
Document Name | Document Date |
asset-management-policy-2015_2 | 2015/07/20 |
banking-and-investment-policy-2015_2 | 2015/07/20 |
budget-and-reporting-policy-2015_2 | 2015/07/20 |
budget_virement-policy-2015 | 2015/07/20 |
funding-reserves-policy-2015_2 | 2015/07/20 |
Document Name | Document Date |
resolution-25-may-2015 | 2015/10/15 |
funding-reserves-policy-2015 | 2015/10/15 |
budget-and-reporting-policy-2015 | 2015/10/15 |
banking-and-investment-policy-2015 | 2015/10/15 |
asset-management-policy-2015 | 2015/10/15 |
Document Name | Document Date |
Annual Report and Reviewed SDBIP Council Resolution | 2020/03/26 |
Annexure Amendements Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan 2019-20 | 2020/03/26 |
top-layer-revised-sdbip-2019-2020 | 2020/03/26 |
Document Name | Document Date |
fddm-sdbip-2018-19 | 2018/07/25 |
top-layer-revised-sdbip-2018-19 | 2019/03/14 |
approval-of-revised-sdbip-2018-19 | 2019/03/14 |
b-schedule-mscoa-ver-6.2-25-january-2018_201819_20190211f | 2019/03/14 |
Document Name | Document Date |
top-layer-sdbip-2017-18-draft-5-june-2017-fv | 2017/06/30 |
departmental-sdbip-2017-18-draft-7-june-2017-fv | 2017/06/30 |
Document Name | Document Date |
to-layer-sdbip-2016-17-draft-1-june-2016-fv | 2016/06/30 |
departmental-sdbip-2016-17-draft-1-june-2016-fv | 2016/06/30 |
Document Name | Document Date |
fddm-sdbip-2015-16- | 2015/12/09 |
Mid-year assessment report
Document Name | Document Date |
mid-year-report-for-the-period-ended-31-dec-2017 | 2018/01/30 |
Document Name | Document Date |
mid-year-report-31-dec-2016-quality-certificate | 2017/01/27 |
fezile-dabi-dm-mid-year-report-31-dec-2015-3 | 2017/01/27 |
Document Name | Document Date |
fddm-mid-year-budget-and-performance-assessment-report-31-dec-2-14 | 2015/07/23 |
Document Name | Document Date |
fezile-dabi-dm-mid-year-report-31-dec-2015-3_2 | 2016/01/22 |